Emergency Dental Care: When to Take Your Toddler to the Dentist

A toddler’s oral health should be your top priority, as a parent since their teeth lay a strong foundation for future permanent dentition. Dental emergencies like toothache knocked out teeth, and fractured teeth in toddlers can be daunting and negatively impact their overall health and well-being. An emergency is a situation that happens all of a sudden, requiring immediate care and attention. 

In this article, we will explore when to take your toddler to an emergency family dentist in Fishers, IN.

When to take your toddler to an emergency family dentist?

A family dentist is a dental specialist trained to diagnose and treat diseases of the oral cavity in infants, children, teenagers, adults, and older people. Below are the situations that make it necessary for you to take your toddler to an emergency family dentist:

Severe Toothache 

Increased tooth sensitivity and pain are common among toddlers due to a wide variety of reasons like decay, gum disease, and trauma. When home remedies like salt water gargling do not help, it is important to take your toddler to an emergency family dentist since extreme tooth pain is considered a dental emergency. 

Fractured or Broken Tooth

Toddlers are always engaged in a lot of physical activities and are prone to dental trauma. There may be a fear of hurting or breaking their bone too which requires an immediate visit to the emergency family dentist. 

Avulsed Tooth

An avulsed tooth is a condition when the tooth is completely knocked out of the socket, usually due to trauma. As a parent, you must know how to manage a knocked-out tooth by keeping it in a moist medium like milk until you reach the emergency department as soon as possible. Quick action can save your toddler’s tooth. 

Abscess or Swelling 

An abscessed tooth or infection is always a cause of concern and is considered a dental emergency in toddlers. This may be accompanied by fever and extreme pain. Seek immediate emergency care to prevent the infection from spreading. 

Bleeding Gums 

Extreme bleeding from the gums and mouth after trauma requires immediate emergency care. The family dentist will assess the condition and provide the necessary treatment. 

Head Injury 

Toddlers being super active are prone to injuries that can have a forceful impact causing injury to their heads. Head injuries can be serious, requiring emergency dental care.

Final note 

Toddlers can encounter dental emergencies like severe tooth pain, abscesses, fractured teeth, bleeding gums, and head injuries. As a parent, you must know what dental situations are considered as an emergency and how to manage them. It is critical to seek immediate emergency care for toddlers with a family dentist to prevent further damage and deterioration. 

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