Radiation portal monitors are a huge necessity when it comes to nuclear security and management. Nuclear power can be very fulfilling to mankind on one hand, but there lies another world of threat to it. The radiation portal monitors came into circulation and gained popularity once nuclear materials have begun to get smuggled. These are now used at railways and borders to check the material of transport.
Initially, these monitors were found to be used at scrap metal facilities. This helped authorities to get sure of what scrap was getting reused. With time, the uses of the monitors evolved. Today, the US Customs and Border Protection has become more active in using these monitors, covering the sea, land as well as air routes.
How do they work?
These portal monitors are set up as portals through which the vehicles can pass through, carrying the goods to get transported. These portals check if the vehicles have passed the screening tests of not carrying hazardous materials. These are set up as scanning panels on each side of the road, through which the vehicles pass through.
These portals mainly work on the principle of neutron detection and can detect as high as gamma radiation. With the technological advancements, these portals now use He-3 tubes, that are even more accurate in detecting nuclear activities.
These have been designed to such perfection that they do not detect the radiation from natural sources like bananas, cat litters, granite, porcelain, or stone wears. This is how efficient and standardized detection is initiated.
What are the uses?
These portals are a genuine necessity today. They detect radiations that exceed the permissible levels and can truly pose threats. Their main functions are:
- They prevent destructive weapons from getting smuggled.
- They are designed to prevent nuclear holocausts.
- They also enhance scrap metal monitoring.
- They help in industrial machinery monitoring.
- They scan raw materials to ensure safe product development.
What are the types?
Various portal types justify the typical uses of nuclear scanning. They are:
- Railway radiation monitoring
- Crane radiation monitoring
- Air luggage radiation monitoring
- Airfreight radiation monitoring
- Pedestrian radiation monitoring
These portals are also used to check for the efficient disposal of waste, both nuclear and non-nuclear. These portals are now found in abundance in garbage incineration facilities too.
The radiation portal monitors from Sciwise are designed for ultimate utility in all of the above-stated facilities.